
1 The details page provides Dosu with additional information about your repository and allows you to set certain metadata for the workspace.

  • The Name field is simply the value that will be displayed for your workspace in the app.
  • The Default maintainer will be tagged on issues that require further assistance.
  • The Description field gives Dosu extra context on the repository.
  • The Settings section allows you to pause, resume, or delete the workspace.


1 The “Issues” settings determine how Dosu will behave on the repository’s issues.

Auto-Label Issues

These settings determine if Dosu will auto-label issues and which labels it will consider. 3

Dosu will only consider applying a label to a new issue if the label is selected (indicated by the checkbox on the left of the label’s name), and if a label is not selected Dosu will never apply that label to an issue.

Dosu will determine which labels it applies to a new issue based on issue’s title and description and the labels applied to similar past issues.

It’s recommended to leave unselected labels which Dosu will not have context on based on the issue itself such as organizational labels (eg. org:team-name, sprint-number:132) or workflow labels (eg. status:wont-fix).

Dosu’s auto-labeling will improve in the first few weeks as it calibrates. Dosu will “learn” when a label it applies is removed by a maintainer or when a maintainer applies a label it hadn’t.

Comment Similar Threads

This setting determines if Dosu will comment on new issues with context on similar issues created in the past. Dosu will only comment if one or more similar issues are found. 4

This behavior will be overwritten by the other auto-reply settings (detailed below) if enabled. If you’d like Dosu only to reply when similar issues are found, be sure to disable the “Allow Dosu to comment on issues” setting.

Allow Dosu to comment on issues

This setting determines Dosu’s commenting behavior on issues. 5

This setting is independent of the “Comment Similar Threads” setting, and will overwrite it when enabled. It also requires you select an Auto-reply to… option:

  • Everyone: Dosu will comment on a new issue regardless of who opened it.
  • Everyone but maintainers: Same as the above, excluding issues opened by maintainers.
  • No one: Dosu will only respond to issue comments that include an “@dosu” mention.

Additionally, Dosu will only comment on issues that it determines are questions or bugs and will not attempt to help with other issues such as feature requests.

Stale Bot

These settings determine the behavior of Dosu’s “smart” stale bot feature. 6 If enabled, Dosu will mark label the issue as stale after a period of inactivity and comment a summary of activity on the issue to that point in time. Along with enabling the stale bot you’ll need to set:

  • Number of days of inactivity before an issue is marked as stale.
  • Number of days following the stale comment before the issue is closed.
  • Which labels, if any, indicate the stale bot should ignore an issue.

Encourage Issue Voting

This setting determine if Dosu will up-vote every new issue. 7

This feature is borrowed from the K8s ecosystem’s Prow bot. It’s a simple way to encourage community members to vote on issues they care about.

Pull Requests


Auto-Label Pull Requests

These settings determine if Dosu will auto-label pull requests and which labels it will consider. 9 The logic and behavior is the same as the “Auto-Label Issues” settings but applied to pull requests.

Add LGTM Label

This setting determines if Dosu will add a LGTM (“looks good to me”) label to a pull request after it’s approved by a maintainer. 10

This is another feature borrow from K8s Prow bot which makes it easy to quickly determine which PRs have been approved and are ready to be merged when viewing the pull requests GitHub page.

Add Size Label

This setting determines if Dosu will add a size label (eg. size:S, size:M) to new pull requests. 11

Another feature borrow from K8s Prow bot, these labels make it easy to see how large a pull request is. The size is determined by the number of lines affected.



Comment Similar Threads

This setting determines if Dosu will comment on new discussions with context on similar discussions created in the past. Dosu will only comment if one or more similar discussions are found.

This behavior will be overwritten on issues where Dosu replies due to the settings below. This feature is analogous to the “Comment Similar Threads” setting for issues.

Allow Dosu to comment on discussions

This setting determines Dosu’s commenting behavior on discussions. 13

See “Allow Dosu to comment on issues” for more details on the reply settings.

The “included categories” setting will determine which categories Dosu will comment on — the default for which is Q&A.