This guide assumes you’ve already created an account and have access to the app.

1. Create Workspace

On the left hand navigation bar you should see “Workspaces”. This page will display all of your organization’s workspaces, but first we’ll have to create one! Select “Create workspace”. Workspace Guide 1

2. Select Target

You should see the page below once you’ve started the workspace creation flow. If you’ve not yet installed the Dosu GitHub app, you’ll notice there are no repositories to choose from.

If that’s the case, you can click either of the links below to do so. Workspace Guide 2

You’ll be brought to the GitHub app installation page for Dosu where you can select all or some subset of your repositories to install Dosu on. For more information on installing apps see Github’s About using GitHub Apps documentation.

Workspace Guide 3

Back on the select target page, you should now see the repositories you’ve installed Dosu on. Selecting one of the repositories should display the “Customize” and “Deploy” buttons at the bottom of the screen. Work 4

Selecting “Deploy” will finish creating your workspace using the default configuration options. For this guide, we’ll select “Customize” instead to set up the configurations manually.

3. Data Sources

The data sources step allows you to select which data sources the workspace has access to. Here you can link any additional repositories or documentation that might be useful in answering questions about your codebase.

For repository workspaces the repository itself is automatically included as a data source. For this guide, we’ll select no additional data sources and move on to configuration. Work 5

4. Configure

The configuration step allows you to to customize how Dosu will behave on the workspace. Each setting has a short explanation of what it does in the UI, but for a more detailed explanation of each setting, see the GitHub Workspace Configuration page.

5. Review & Deploy

Once you’re through the configuration steps you should see a final page where you can review the workspace’s configuration. If everything looks good, select “Deploy” to finish creating the workspace.

Work 6

Congratulations! You’ve finished creating your first workspace. You should now see your created workspace on the Workspaces page.

Work 7

6. Usage

Once you’re off the wait list and your workspace’s data sources are done indexing you’ll the status color update to green, indicating your deployment is active.

Work 8

Dosu should now be active on your repository and will take actions given your specific workspace configurations.

The example below shows a newly filed issue on the target repository used for this workspace guide.

Work 9